Thursday, October 28, 2010

Back to EKU.'Why i love Kentucky'

For those who did not know.
I have been going to Eastern Kentucky University on and off for quite some time.
And i think i have finally gotten enough cash together to pay for the last 5 classes i will need to finish college. If you have never been to my fair state of Kentucky, Then let me tell you of all the places i have lived. (Which is most of the states on the east of the Mississippi) And of all the places i have visited. (Most of the states on the other side) I like Kentucky the most.

Why might you ask?
A few reasons.

#1. Its NOT Southern. I think i might have already covered this.
But Kentucky is not in the south. In any way shape or form. If you disagree. Get out of my state....
We are missing allot of the problems with southern states. (Mind you there are some cool things about southern states)

#2. Its NOT Northern. Again i think i covered this. Kentucky and West Virginia are kind of in there own little Appalachian Area of the County. Not really northern not really southern. We have the southern manners and hospitality but none of the down side to being southern.
Now it dose depend allot on what part of the state you are in.

#3. Culture. I know some people wont get this right away, but Kentucky has loads of the stuff. And why not. Think of the history of Kentucky, When the Nation was founded, Kentucky was the West. We were the first fronter. And we have all the history that goes with that.

Not only that once we were settled the rest of the nation largely passed over us, but we were close enough to the east to not be totally left alone.

So what you ended up with was a place that feels old but is not stuck in that time.

Some times is does feel like parts of the state. (South Eastern Kentucky) Are stuck in the 1940-50's. But some times it does not. And if you are in Central Kentucky. (Richmond-Lexington) Area. It feels very modern, and even multi-cultural to a large extent.

Now you will notice i have said nothing about Louisville Kentucky. There is a reason for that. To be honest it doesn't feel like the rest of the state. It feels like Ohio. And most people from KY don't really like Ohio.

The reason being that they are kind of jerks to us. NO REALLY. Appalachian is a official recognized minority in Ohio the state had to pass a law to keep the people there. (Mostly Cincinnati) From being prejudiced against us.

And Louisville really dose feel like a part of Ohio. It just dose not fit in with the rest of the state. It's a OK city. (I don't like large city's any way) And has allot of great things going on. Its just not very Kentuckyian.... If thats a word. Kentuckyish???