You know, I really enjoy the ideal for a fare and reasonable debate between different sides of a issue. Which I simply don't get anymore. Because the right has lost its mind.
So the question I now have after a discussion on facebook is simply this.
Why does the new super-conservative part of the US population defend shitbags?
When I say shit bags I don't mean people I don't agree with.
I mean terrible people.
Cliven Bundy. A clearly racist, well fare queen who lies to TV stations about how long his family has been on there land. (Hint it was the 1970's not a hundred years) And supports people who point weapons at law enforcement. (Which is only a bad thing when the law enforcement is fire tear gas at protesters, its not OK If they are rounding up well fare queen's cattle)
Teb Nuggent. A admitted draft dodger, and convinced pedophile. Who is just a pretty much unpleasant person to listen to on top of it all.
And finally..
David Koresh... Ya that David Koresh.
Apparently the right now sells him as a peaceful christian who was persecuted.
Not a man who was wanted to illegal weapons charges.
Had sex with at least 21 children under the age of 14, and very likely many many more.
And who built a compound that was a practical fortress.
Now lets not misunderstand this statement.
The Waco Indecent was a tragedy and a huge bungle on the part of ATF agents. BUT.
I would argue it was always going to be a bad outcome. Why?
Well because the branch devidion sect where heavily armed.
Well because the branch devidion sect where heavily armed.
I have yet to get anyone to tell me how they should have approached the place.
Now it was a mistake to use the munitions they did.
But lets not misunderstand Koresh was a Criminal, a terrible human being, the option of leaving him there to do as he wanted was not exceptable.
That is unless you support Pedophiles.,.. Which I'm really starting to think the far-right does.