Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Working at the health care market place.

So I did have a job for about... three months.
It was in fact as a phone worker at the health care market place. You Know... the ACA. Affordable Care Act... Obama Care as people call it.

And you know what I found.

Out of the 2600+ people that I personally singed up.
About 1600 had never had insurance.
Every one I found that had to switch ether got better rates. Or better coverage.
And Not once... Did I have her person who could not afford health care, that was forced to get it. Not once.

I have plenty of people who did not get coverage because it would have costed more then 8% of there income. Thus they did not have to get it.
I also had allot of people who did not get health coverage because they where in stats that did not expand there medicaid.

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