Friday, December 4, 2009

American Geography 300. (Were the south starts and ends)

OK so as i said before, I have worked at Disney World. Which is in Florida, Which is in the south... kind of. And i am from Kentucky which is in the South..... Well... Ill come back to that.

This is the thing, wile working at Disney i would have this conversation allot.

Guest from a Northern state. "Can you help me."
Me: "Of coarse sir or ma'am"
Guest: "Thank you, So were are you from?" (The question is brought on by my Accent, which by the way is not that bad)
Me: "I'm from Kentucky."

At this point one of two things would happen.

#1. "O, so you are from the south."
#2. "O, So your accustomed to this Southern Heat."

Now this is my Question, When did Kentucky Become part of the south? Really i mean it WHEN! DID I MISS THE MEMO!

OK so there are three ways to look at this.

So first.
OK so If you look at America and cut it into top / bottom. Kentucky Might be in the south or north, or cut in half. We are more in the middle, but to the same right, most people wouldn't say that Virginia was in the South would they? (Some would)
And you would never Say California was a Southern state? (Most of it is by this right) So it would be safe to say that Kentucky was a heart land state, or a Mid-Eastern State.

OK so the this is going to go to the Civil war.
Lets take note here, Virginia was part of the south. But most people don't think its in the "South" West Virginia was part of the north. And most people would say it is in the south.
Kentucky, Was At first Neutral, Why? Because we had a pro-southern Governor and Pro-Union House and Senate. So we were Neutral until the South decided to Violate our Neutrality, then we joined THE UNION! That's right, Kentucky was a blue state in the Civil war. SUCK ON IT YOU LOSSER'S DOWN SOUTH!

OK so here is were Kentucky and West Virginia get it.
Most people think of Ky and WV are southern states for two reasons.
#1. We have Accents.
#2. We are pore.
That it people, that's why, its OK to say it.
People in both states have a Appalachian Accent, not a southern Accent. Can't tell the Difference, not my problem i can't tell the difference between a new york and road island accent, all i know is you people nee to learn to say ASK not Ax.

And on that same note.
From a Cultural point Florida is NOT a southern state.
No one gives a shit about the Rebel flag in Florida. This is mostly because of the strong Latino and Spanish. (Not to be confused for one another) Influences in the state.
The Same can be said for Texas to a lesser extent, but both were in the Civil War as part of the south.

In short.
NO i am not from the south. I'm from Kentucky.
Some people in Kentucky By the Way, Did fight on the Southern side in the War and some of them still want to fly the Rebel Flag.
And to them i would say this.

Go cry into your big red gay safety blanket you Emo Face.

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