Saturday, November 28, 2009

Geography 101. (North America)

OK so i JUST posted a blog on Geography but this is kind of a follow up.

The subject of this post came up in a Religion class actually. And by that i mean a class on Religion taught by a Professor of Theology are Eastern Kentucky University. Which by the way is PAINFUL to take if you are not a idiot. Because you are the Minority.

90% of the people who seam to take religion classes are Bitchy Women who are STUNED to find out that the whole class is not about THERE Religion despite the title being World Religion.
(If you really want to make them mas use 1 Timothy 2:11-12 on them) "let a women learn in silence with all submission. And i do not permit a woman to teach or to have authoirty over a man, but to be in silence" Now its important to note that i don't really buy that crap. Its just usefully to shut up really bitchy religion women in Theology classes. (But i digress)

So our Theology teacher asked us one day, wile we were talking about religion in the new world how many country's are in North America. Almost every one in the class answered Ether 2! (Most of the religious Harpy's) or 3 (Most of the kids right out of high school) One girl answered 10. I answered 17. (The answer is 23)

The teacher admitted that he himself did not know, but he like me and the other girl knew it was more then 2 or 3. The point to asking is this. Most people think North America is Canada and the United States MAYBE Mexico.

But if you look at a map North America Starts AT PANAMA! So that's all of Middle America (which by the way is a region not a continent, just like the middle east of the Caribbean) And BTW the Caribbean is part of North America as well, along with Greenland. (which is itself not counted as a country in the 23, sense its part of Denmark)

The reason i couldn't get 23 right was because i don't know all those little one island nations out in the Caribbean.

Now this confusion comes from two sources.
The first being the use of the word Middle America. (Meaning the area from the Yucatan Peninsula to Panama) Mean the southern part of Mexico on down. People also call it Mezzo America. (which means middle in Latin.. i think its Latin) The point being this has nothing to do with Geography, its actually meant to represent the part of North America that is still largly inhabited by Native Descended people.

The second source is that schools in middle American. (Mexico on down in this instance) Teach that south America starts at Mexico. WHY? Because they consider every above Mexico white and every one below Latino. Part of the La Raza idle. (La Raza means The Race)

The problem with this is again consistency. First off. In most nations Latino's like middle easterners are Caucasian. Secondly they largely consider Lation in America to be white. Which just doesn't make sence, many of them have been there much longer then America or Mexico.

Not to mention that if a Mexican went to Columbia and said "I am Latino" The Columbia's would tell them. "No your Mexican" Because indeed, the Colombians are much closer to being Native Americans then most people from Mexico.

So the entire Middle America thing is just Bunk, there is no real consistent reason to separate it, and if you did why isn't the Caribbean in there? Because its a subo-political idle trying to pass its self off as Geography.

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