Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Geography 101. (You get a F)

OK so as i stated before, I am a Geography student, at a university.

And something i have come to appreciate is people who can find stuff on a map.

A study done by 50+ University's, using college student's, college professors, school children, there teachers, people on the street and MEMBERS OF CONGRESS. Has shown that 1 out of 5 American's can't find the United States on a map.

And that's not a average, that's almost across the boards, for instance college professors and members of congress had the best scores, at 5 out of 6 being able to find it. So that means that one out of six of the people leading our nation can't find it on a map. And ~Clears thought~ Not to upset some people with the rest of the study but, Briggam young university were the people doing the congress part. (If you don't know Brigham young is a fairly conservative college) And they found that. Out of the 90 members of congress that could not find the United stats on a map. 67 of them were Republicans.

Now I'm not bringing that up to make fun of Republicans. (They do that with out my help) I bring it up to make a latter point. But moving on, out of the 4 of 5 americans who can't find the US on a map, 1 out of 4 of them Can't find Canada or Mexico on a map. And out of the 3 remaining 1 of them can't find France, Great Britten, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Afghanistan or Pakistan on map. (That none of them, not just can't find one of them)


Because under Regan, Most of the funding for Geography, and many other "Liberal arts" Subjects were cut, and the stats that suffered the most were pore southern stats. (Mostly Republican) Hence the reason they had lower scores.

And the reason is simple, Many American's, Notable the Extreme right, but largely across the board, just don't think its Important to know were other places are, and maybe there right, but think about this.
When the same test was done in other nation's, Almost every one knows were the U.S. is even, people who don't know were there own county is. (This happened allot in African country's)
Why? Because the U.S. has allot of power, and many would say does allot of good and or bad, in other nations. So American Citizens should at least be able to find places that we influence.

Just memorize the nations i have mentioned today people.
If you don't your on my Idiot list.

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