Sunday, November 8, 2009

Presedent Obama's Noble Peace Prize.

OK so its a little old in the new's now, but of course most people who watch the news no that the Nobel peace prize was given to our president (That's the US's not the worlds people) Barrack Obama. Now the Committee gave him this award for. "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples" Now I as a angry Right wing of the left part of the middle of the road conservative liberal. Have to admit that sounds a little shaky.

And even Mr. Obama more then likely took the award with a "Ya right" Look on his face. But the prevailing aptitude over on the right side of the fence is that (As sported by Lonesome road Glen Beck) Is that the committee gave the "Black president" a award for being a black president.

See there are Several problems with this idle however. The first being that, there have been DOZENS of black world leaders, and DOZENS of non-white Nobel peace prize winners. And the fact of the matter is that the right are basically the only group of people who give a crap that Obama is "Black"

Second problem i have with this statement is that Obama is half African American. (Also a title i don't like) But since he isen't 100% Lilly white, he's like a AKC registered dogs half Rottweiler half beagle puppy. Just not up to the high standards of Neo-rightards. Because anything less then 100% white is tainted according to them.

And finally, if the right wanted to make a big deal out of this they would point this out. "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples" He got the award for being a Liberal! OMG the Nobel peace prize committee gives prizes for not being a rightard.

And in fact that's the problem with the whole situation, Obama got a Nobel peace prize for NOT BEING GEORGE "SKYWALKER" BUSH! And if you think I'm kidding I'm not. He got the prize for admitting the are country's out there other then the United States.

And why the hell not, I mean the Right are the group that hated France for not going to war with us. A little hypocritical telling people they are free to do what they want, but if you disagree with us on a Major Issue that could cost Billions and get your people killed, then we hate you and we are no longer friends.

So when a man comes along after eight long years of his tall in the saddle political attitude OF COURSE people are going to give them man a prize.

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