Sunday, November 15, 2009

People are brown! Get over it.

OK so a good friend of mine were sitting around one day.
And for what ever reason. (Can't remember have slept sense then)
We were trying to figure out what color tone our skin was.

And my friend after sitting there for a moment, had the idle of.
"Hay lets go look up color's on Wikipedia and see were we fall"
Now before i go any further into this discussion, let me say this, I'm Caucasian, and so was the friend i was having the conversation. And i turned out to be a 'Desert sand' My friend who has a decidedly more olive tone ended up being a 'Wheat' And as we sat there looking throw color.

We came to a discovery.
The entire human race. (Unless they are albino) Are brown.
End of story. That's it don't believe me?

OK so no crap people.
Even before this i knew two things.
#1. I have NEVER seen a black person. I have seen people who have dark skin.
#2. I have NEVER seen a white person. I have seen people with light skin tones.
And people are called yellow and copper as well.

But every natural skin tone falls into the brown pallet.

And besides another race question.

They still call 'White people' Caucasian, But don't call 'black people' Negroid.
Now i know why.
But the question is why do they still call them Caucasian.

But that being said.
*Black is a bad name because no one is black.
*Negro is bad because its derived from a bad naming convention. (Not all 'black' people are from the Niger River Vally) And it now has a negative connotation.
*'Colored' is bad because all people have color (Brown)
*And African American is stupid because its very presumptions.

I say this based on the points that.
#1. Not all black people are from Africa. Many Indian's are darker in skin tone then Africans.
#2. Not all African's are black. There are many white Africans, And in north Africa most people would say the populous was Arabian. (If you didn't know, Middle Easterners are all white, as are Latino's)
#3. It makes the assumption that they are American's. I know a man from England who is black, now what?

And Finally its kind of disrespectful to say. "O your from Africa." You would never say "O your from Europe" to a German would you? There are 53 Country's in Africa. The Continent is the size of one and half north America's. (Which has 23 Country's, Not two)

So the point is this.
Human's are humans.
Ether go with that theory or the idle that we have Cultural Identity.
No one would say that Spanish people are like Norwegians. But both are predominately white and Europeans. Just like despite what he right wants you to think, not all Americans are White, Cristian (Or even Protestant) Conservatives.

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