Sunday, November 8, 2009

So everything that happens, happens for a reason.

OK so i was reading about the Somali Pirates and again was angered by one single fact.

EVERY THING that happens in the world is some one's fault.
And most the time if it happens to a country its there fault.

Now don't get me wrong, I love the U.S.A. It's one of only... four or so nations i would ever want to live in, but the US like most other nations has a good deal of nationalism going on. "Greatest Nation on earth" Being my point.

I might go with One of the Greatest nations on earth.
Also political spin does allot, commercials saying how bad Canadian and British health care for instance. (Dispite the fact that people from both places live longer healthier lives then Americans)

My point being this.
The Somali Pirate thing didn't just start for no reason.
It started as Somali Fishermen attacking Fishing boats from other country's for illegal fishing in Somali waters. This is not a joke, people from other nations were coming into there waters and steeling there lively hood. Like Mexican in the US.... only you know. There Actually Steeling people's lively hood.

Most every problem the US has ever had, was caused at least in part by the US its self.

The American Revolution started as a bunch of rich people wanting to overthrow a bunch of rich people, and they did it by talking the poor people into fighting for them. Now that being said, they did have some valid points, and they did end up doing something really great with it.

World war II. We basically backed the Japanese into a corner that forced them to pick between doing what we told them to do. (Because we wanted to run the Pacific) Or going to war with us. So of COARSE they sneak attacked us. We were the larger power a head on war would have been pointless.
Now again, that doesn't mean we shouldn't have fought back, or that the Japanese weren't going FUCKING nuts in China and killing people. Just that we DID have something to do with it.

Point being, is this.

If you are my generation, or later, FUCKING THINK ABOUT WHAT YOUR DOING! it will have Impact on your life and the lives of your children.

And if your from the baby boomer generation. FUCKING SHAME ON YOU! YOU GREEDY SELFISH PRICKS!

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