Sunday, November 8, 2009

you might be able to spell, but your still a moron.

OK again a little context.
I as you might have gathered can't spell for crap. For one i am Dyslexic, And secondly I was LIED to in school when i was a child.

You see as part of the No Moron's opinion left behind program. I was told that I could spell the English Language Phonetically. Pho,no,net,ick,ly... ... ... (Looks it up on Google) phonetically.
And there in lies my point. Phonetically isn't spelled Phonetically. Its spell Funetickly.

But that isn't the English languages fault. It's the fault of the moron's who made the English Language.

I mean I'm not the worse speller I have ever seen, in fact I don't normally misspell words, I spell the wrong words. Homophones are my bane. (That's not a metro guy's Nokia) Those are words that sound just alike but are spell and mean different things. (Two, Too and To)

The reason that these words are like this is because of one fact. The people who came up with the English language think the reader is stupid. And I mean that in the most serious manner, the people who came up with English, Made it because they wanted a simple language that there Stupid Plebeians in Great Brighten could speak. Before that they all spoke Gaelic, Latin or French.


It's nice to meet you.
It's nice to meat you.

Now the makers of the English language just assume that if you use the latter of the two sentences, that the ignorant masses would think... Why is this guy I don't know trying to make me into a pork chop.

Meat is the food right not meet? I forget some times.

Any ways the point of this is that just because I can't spell that well, It dose not mean that I, or any one else that can't spell is less intelligent then you. For instance, the VAST majority of people I have talked to in college cant find Crap on a map. (I'm a geography Major) One out of five American's can't find America on a map! And one out of the four that can can't find Canada or Mexico on a map.

It's all about applied knowledge.
I think English rules are Stupid, so I don't pay them much attention, Most people Are Ignorant Self Absorbed Morons, and don't think they need to know were other country's are. (Because "America IS THE GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH!") Like they have been too or know about any were else.

We are both in fact right.
Your not stupid because you don't know were Bangladesh is, and I'm not stupid because I can't spell.


In all seriousness. It's very easy to talk to some one and tell if they are a Moron or not, it's not so easy to read what they are writing. And in all fairness, My spelling is in fact, Improving over time.

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