Sunday, November 8, 2009

Disney college program. (Or the most magical chain gang on earth! part 1.)

OK so let me set the scene for you, Its 2006 I'm a 23 year old college student who has lost basically all motivation to do... pretty much anything. So I am walking to class when i see the poster on campus, 'DISNEY COLLEGE PROGRAM!'

ok so i have nothing to do after class so I decided that it couldn't hurt to go to this thing and see what there angle was. So after a 45 minutes presentation i was sold, I did the paper work and thought nothing of it for another 2 weeks, when to my suprise i got phone interview, and then a offer from disney to work in the program. The offer was to work as a "Custodial Cast member" That's Disney speak for Janitor. (Or so people not working Custodial will tell you)

OK so normally i do my homework. (That is that i study stuff before i undertake anything) In reality i normally over plan stuff. Or at least over think stuff, but that William had been overpowered by apathy. So on April 15th I arrived in Lake Buena Vista Florida.

OK so now i need to explain the entire Disney college program thing.
Here is the jest, you come to Florida, stay in a apartment complex much like the gated community that are all over Florida.
They pay you Minimum wage for Florida, and charge you a very reasonable amount of rent. (When you consider, it has free utility, cable, internet) And Transportation. (I will get to that latter)

OK so i get to Florida and jump throw all the hoops to check in, then i get places into my "household" now on a note i picked to live in a "wellness" apartment, this is a apartment were people can't have alcohol, I was 23, and I'm not that uptight, the thing is i had experience with drunk dorm mates from college.

Now the household are in reality 1 to 4 room apartments that hold 2 to 8 room mates. They are OK apartments, the heating / AC work (Most of the time) And they give you everything you will need to stay there for 4-12 months.

Then you go to work after a introduction to Disney called Traditions. I won't go into this, lets just say it's allot like the process that you go throw to join the Army, just with more pixie dust.

So i worked on Main Street USA, In Magic Kingdom, As a custodial. Now just for a good idle of what that means, that means on a AVERAGE day, i had to clean up after 30'000 people, 1-3 parades and fireworks.
And the thing is, I (and the VAST majority of the people i worked with) LOVED IT.
Because the thing is, 10% of your time is spent cleaning, and then 10% is spent looking for stuff to clean. And 80% of your time is spent talking or helping guests.

(Well that's long enough for right now, I will put part two of this out at some point)

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