Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Generally crappy state of my life.

OK so lets lay a little ground work.
I think you all need to know why i am a cranky little man.

First i would like to say its not all that bad, it could always be worse. "It could be worse, you could be on fire":Grahm Locke.

I have a few good family members. Mixed in with the criminals and the low life's.
I have a few good friends, And i mean really good friends. Despite there failings.

OK so to understand my plight a short history is in order.

#1. I started college at 17, and managed to fail every class with the exception of orientation.
#2. After returning to college two years latter i did alright.
#3. In 2006, I ran away to work at the circus. (The Disney college program) And this still stands as one of the greatest things i have ever done.
#4. I came back and......... Well i don't remember much from this period in time. I think I might have blacked out.
#5. In 2008 I returned to the mouse and did the College program again, but this time i had a plan.
#6. In 2009 I got shingles the week before I was suppose to join the army.
#7. In 2010 I got a waiver for the shingles and joined the army... And got shingles again wile at basic... And that was the end of my army experience...  This is one of the great disappointments of my life. But I Enjoyed it wile I was there, I did my best and I made some good friends.
#8. In 2012 In went over seas to Japan to teach english for a year. Enjoyed it very much and now am back home. (Hope to do it again if nothing else comes up)
#9. Worked at a call center helping people sing up to the Affordable care act. Which was supprisingly rewarding... Until I got laid off.

So now.

I have constant pain for the Shingles. (Post herpetic Neuralgia) And RamseHunt Syndrome.
In pain, and were a eye patch, (Which is pretty bad ass)
Can't pay for college.
Owe about 40k in school loans.

And at this point shit started to go south.

OK so i get home, go throw M.E.P.S. (That's the proccess you go throw to join the army)
And the week before i ship to basic training, i get Shingles. (Herpes Zroster) Which is nasty shit.

And for people who don't know what Shingles are. Google it.
I have in on the face. And the doctor basically put it this way.
"It's like having a Second-degree burns over the right side of your face and eye... But it's going to last for much longer, maybe the rest of your life"

So any ways, that the general reason i am cranky. But don't get me wrong, I was cranky before that and will be cranky far after/if the shingles fade.
As a up side I should start CDL training latter this August.

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