Sunday, November 8, 2009

Disney college program. (Or the most magical chain gang on earth! part 2)

OK so i went over the whole getting to Disney Thing.
Now I'm going to start explaining the whole thing to you.
And I'm going to start with housing.

OK so when you get to the program, every one is on one of three programs.
#1. The Disney College Program.
This is for college student's from the U.S.A. And about 70% of the people CP's. (College Programmer's) working are on this program.

#2. Career start Program.
This is for High School Student's who just graduated.
I think this is a great idle, most every one should take a year off after high school before going to college, after all you have been in school seance you were five people. About.... 1-2% of the people doing to program are in this boat, and even if they are Career Start program partisipent's they are still called CP's.

#3. International Program Students.
Again still called CP's. These are student's from other country's who are there to work.
Again about 28%-30% of the student's are ICP's. But they are still called CP's.

So there are 4 apartments that house CP's. (Three the first time i did the program)
The first and most infamous is Vista Way Apartments. A.K.A. Vista Lay. It made the Top 10 list for penthouses best places to get lucky. (I'm not joking)

Basically think of a dorm with 1600+ people from all around the country / world, were some of them are aloude to drink! It's like a 27/7/364 Frat Party. (Also don't use the hot tub near the bus stop... Just trust me on this one)
There is also Chattum square and... some other place that are basically much calmer versions of Vista. And then Finally the Commons, The commons houses nothing but International CP's.

I lived in Chattum and Vista wile there. And honestly its a mixed bag, you meet less people and do less stuff at Vista, but then again you get less sleep as Vista as well.
The first time that i did the program i had nothing but good things to say about my experience. (That is wile talking about housing) First appartment i had went through allot of room mates because of the rotation. I roomed with a French Guy (Who was really nice) A German Guy (Who reinforced my dislike of Germany) And a guy from Wales. (Who got kicked out of the program with hitting another cast member)

But after a while the house was below 51% Occupancy so i was re-located to another apartment, In this apartment it was a gathering of American's i found this far less interesting, not because they were Americans but because they were drunk frat boy Americans. Nice guys just not that Intellectually compelling.

Finally i was moved again, this time i picked were i wanted to go, I moved in with some coworkers who i had become good friends with and this worked great. (Mainly because we all kept the same hours)

The program housing is interesting because it lets you meet people that you normally wouldn't, some times this can be a bad thing, but most the time every one gets along. I mean why not? Your all away from home, some of you for the first time. And you all are trapped (Or at least it feels that way) In this surreal world.

The Disney Program make you feel like you live on this Island Apart from the reast of the Non-Disney World. But not in a lonely way, because what ever your going throw, there are other people Right there going throw it as well.

And i guess the best part is you find out that even if every one in the apartment is from diffrent places, backgrounds and cultures. You can still all get along, and if it taught me anything its that all the problems in the world today that people say are because of Religion, Race, Ethnic Hatred and bad blood between people. And really because of stubbornness and ingrained knowledge that we get from the people before us.

In short, if some one has told you that another group of people are bad or your enemy. You have been lied to. (I have reasoning for not liking Germany, ill get into that latter) But i never really Disliked a Germany Because of that, I disliked or liked them based on other things. (Like being a Douche Nozzle)

Good job people before us, its ALL YOUR DAMN FAULT!

(OK enough story time for today kids, Ill be talking about Transportation next, so stay tuned)

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