Sunday, November 8, 2009

"God button?" Get the hell out!

OK so I'm sure most people have herd about the "God Botton" Firing.

OK so if you have not.
This is how it goes. A guy in Florida was fired for wearing a button that had a US Flag on it and read " nation, under God... Indivisible" OK so before every one freaks out and go's "OH NO IT'S CENSORSHIP!" Not really, home depot, like basically every major and many minor company's around the WORLD, have a damn dress code!

That's the way the world works people, if Home Depot tells you. "You can't were button's on your uniform that we don't provide" That's it, end of story, the law suit this guy is filing, he will end up paying for. (Florida is a loser pays state)
How do i know this. Because people have level law suits like this before and have ALWAYS lost.

If the company police said, you can wear any button you want as long as it doesn't say god on it. Then the man might have a case, but it didn't it just said no buttons of your own.

And not only that, its freaking hypocritical.
People complain that people are infringing on there rights, but then they try to tell a company how to run its self.

The law stats that you cant discriminate against some one on the basis of sex, race, age, or religious views. So if home depot said, NO CHRISTIANS! Or NO BLACKS! then the guy would have a case. (He wasn't black it was just a example)

Going back to my time at Disney.
They have a dress code called "Disney Look" And its VERY strict.
They have been sued over it many times, and never lost. Why?
Because its consistant.
For Instance, with respect to hair.
For males. It stats that.
"Your hair but be cut above the ears, not spiked, above the collar and not obstruct the view of the eyes" Also you can't were hats that the company don't give you.

The best case i have seen some one level at Disney is a Sikh man. If you don't know, Sikh's are from India and as part of there religion can't cut there hair, or beard, but must keep both very neat and clean. (These are the people from India that were turbans)

So the guy couldn't work for Disney because. #1. His hair was to long. #2. He had to were a hat that wasn't Disney issue and #3 he had a beard. (Also against Disney Code)

But he lost the suit because it was based off a hair rules. It didn't say No Sikh's. And just as the Sikh man had the choice and right to say. "I'm not going to shave, cut my hair, or take off my hat" Disney had the right to say. "We are sorry, but you do not portray the clean cut timeless 1950... ish looks.

The Rules are fair. For Instant, "Cornrows" are not against Disney Look, as long as they follow ALL the other rules. (And look much better that way)

OK so I'm done dropping knowledge, Wisdom, Spite and Frustration on you.

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