Sunday, November 8, 2009

I live in a white ghetto. (Greetings from clay county Kentucky )

OK so first off i want to give you a geography lesson.
I live in the State of Kentucky, which is the 4th poorest state in the United States.
I live in Clay County Kentucky, Which is the poorest county in the state of Kentucky.
The Per Capita Income for clay country is $9,716. (As of 2000 census) Making it the 18th poorest county in the nation. And the poorest "white" County in the United States, Only being beaten out by country comprised mainly of Swamps and Desert in Mississippi, Louisiana and Texas.
And Most notably 10 of the country's that beat out Clay County are Native American Reservations.

So i am by no means saying that people in Clay County are the poorest people in the world.
Simply this. $9'716 per person is about he same (About $10 less) then what people make in Brazil.
My county is a third world nation. Or if i wanted to use Current Policitcal Language i live in a developing county located inside the borders of a developed county.

I can to the epiphany that i lived in a White Ghetto, in the same place i came across almost all of my epiphany's in life. At Disney.

I was in my last apartment, the one i spent the most time at on my 2nd stay with Disney.

The household was comprised of. (I'm only using first names)
Myself. (From Clay County Kentucky)
Jamal. (From Washington D.C.)
"D" (From Chicago Illinois)
Derrik. (From Sweet Water Texas)
Abdulla. (From New York City)
Juan. (From SauPalo Brazil)

So in this house hold we had, Myself, Three African Americans, And two Latino's One from a family that lived in Texas seance before it was Texas, and another from Brazil)

Now even if we had a very mixed household, we all got along fine.
After some remixing on the rooms, putting myself and Jamal in the same room because Im a quite sleeper, and he's a very light sleeper. And putting Juan and Abdulla in the same room, because Juan got up very early for work, and Abdulla got up very early to pray to Mecca.

Now on to Jamal, he had trouble with rooming with Juan early on, because Juan Snores and gets up early. And Jamal is a VERY light sleeper, so much so that i eventually ask him. To which D answered that he had been in "The joint" And was afraid i would shank him in the night. We laughed and then Jamal answered the question. "Because i live in Anacostia" Now i knew what that meant, Anacostia is a WAR ZONE. He explained that on more then one occasion he actully had to dive to the floor because of stray bullets hitting his families house.

When asked why they didn't move away, he answered "Because they can't afford to" He then told us that he was going to college on scholarship, and wanted to get a good job so he could Move his family away from there. Then we started a conversation about high school.

And we both maid a discovery.
Nearly every one that we both went to high school with, was ether dead on in prison. Most of the males. (All of them with my last name) Have been in Jail with the exception of me.

As we kept talking we both came to the conclusion that i live in a white ghetto.
Now there are differences.

Clay county is not a war zone, but there are dangers, if you wander in to the wrong patch of forest, you can be harmed or killed. Something a census worker found out not to long ago.
And for nearly a century the county was run with the same politics that were used in the 1890's.

Two families owning everything, the same family always being major, corrupt judges, voting fraud. Murder, Drugs and corruption.
Wile Jamal's home was more dangerous, he told me he would never live in a place like clay county, we are poorer and less free, until recently we lived in a kind of feudal system.
The family's at the top doling out the wealth and good jobs in the county to family and people who acted as there lap dogs.

The thing is, That clay county, if you Ignore the people could be one of the most beautiful places i have ever been. And if you know the county you can easily stay away from danger. But if you do your almost living apart from the rest of the people.

And just list Jamal's family most people are just to pore to move away.
The only real jobs in the county are state jobs. In particular working at the state pen.
And soon they will be building a Recycling plant that will give jobs to about 300 people.

But again most of the jobs will go to people from the county's around Clay, and people who are in the "Loop" and it comes to my attention that the county's entire economy is built on handling other people's refuse. Human or otherwise.

The link above shows what i mean by, corruption and human waist.

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