Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is not hitting women sexist?

OK so this question came up in a conversation I was having with some Army Buddies of mine.
To be most specific a female 1St Lt. Friend of mine from Basic Training now Serving in a U.N. Peace Keeping force in Kosovo.
So the question is.
Is not hitting a women in a Situation were you would hit a man Sexist?

Now all of people have a knee Jerk reaction that "No it's just good up bringing" Ya well people said pretty much the same thing about African American's being inferior to Whites Not long ago ether.
Just because it's how you were brought up does not make it right or fair.

I really see people taking three sides on this question. (So of coarse I am going to make a list)
Side #1: Hitting a Women is wrong.

OK so this entire idle comes from the idle of Knightly Virtues, Honor and Courtly Love. I.E. Chivalry. Now the problem with using this. "Good Upbringing" or "Chivalry" Argument. Is that Chivarly's idles on how to treat a women is based on the idle that women are inferior. At least on the physical level. And to a great extent on a Mental level.

The idle that you don't hit a women was in fact based on a few concepts that are with out argument sexist. And with some argument just down right stupid.
A: Women are physically inferior to men so attacking them would be like attacking a child.
Now I don't need to point out the problem with this. A average women weights in at about the same as a short or lightly built man. And larger women can weight in as much or more as a average man. So using the Argument that. "The Average man is much stronger then the Average women" Is a big lop sided.
Because by that argument you should never hit a SMALL PERSON. Regardless of sex.

B: Women Are incapable of posing a real threat to men.
OK so back in the day this had some validity i suppose, most women had no martial training and I is most likely hard to attack somebody when you have trouble breathing because of your corset. And these are rules that came about for Knights.... The Midevil Eqivilent to Special Forces in the Military. So You could say this is allot like the Military stance on using force against Civilian Populations.

But today this is just a stupid idle. Women can be Trained in Martial arts, Women can be in the Military. And ANY ONE can hurt you with they hit you with the right thing. So Saying women can't hurt a man is just a dangerous idle.
OK so the next side of the argument is from the other end of the field.
"Not hitting a women is unfair."

I have to say as terrible as this sounds. It's true.

Hear is a point.

If a man came up to you and your wife and started calling your wife terrible names. Then I can Conformationally say that no one would think less of you for nailing the guy in the face.
But if a women did it, Then most people would be horrified if you hit her.
WHY? Why can a women get away with it when a guy cant? Its not fair.

It's no fairer then saying a women can't be president. Both are built on the idle that women can't handle the same kind of thing a man does.

It would be like saying a women can't be put to death for killing three people when a man can, because killing a women is wrong. (By the way, Men are like.... 9 times more likely to get the death penalty)

No all that being said, there are so many Double Standards against women, that i almost can't besmirch them this.... And is, I might not be able to if it were not for Bitchy women who think they can do what ever they want and get away with it.

I am going to use my Best friend as a example. We will call him.... Derp.

I don't know what it is about poor Derp but it just seams that allot of females I know think they can threaten him with physical harm, or hit him in a semi-playing manor and get away with it.
I have also noticed that allot of females have a VASTLY inflated opinion of how tough they are.

Now the point to this train of thought is this.

#1. If a guy threatened another guy with physical harm. There is a good chance that the threatened guy is going to preempt the aforementioned attack with one of this own.
But not if a female does it.

#2. If one guy haled off and hits another on the shoulder you had better be sure he is REALLY a good friend. Or you might as well just go ahead and Aim a little higher for a good fight starting sucker punch.
But I have noticed the women get away with this all the time.

#3. You will see allot of Women hall off and hit a guy when she is mad and the guy DOES NOTHING. If the position was turned some one would call the cops. (Which i have done in the female on male violence situation)

#4. Allot and I allot of women think they are much tougher then they are. (This goes for some guys as well) Because... They have simply never been in a real fight before.

Why because when they pick fights with guys, the guys don't try to hurt them.

Using Derp as the example. I have at this point taken about..... 2 years of various martial arts. But I am no means a master or even that tough, but I am very sure that I can Defense myself. Because I have what most Combatants Lack. (Which I Contribute to The Military more then Martial Arts)

I have the Will to hurt some one. If I get into a fight I am Aiming for a Broken Bone. A Knocked out or maybe even dead opponent, I am aiming for a Opponent who is no longer capable of fighting back.

Derp on the other hand has none of this. What he has is weighting 230lbs despite not being overweight and only 5'11" Simply Put he is made of something tougher then normal people.

And if the two of use were to fight. I would give each of us 50/50 odds. And I can Assure you that one of use would be Dead/Crippled.

But ALLOT of women think they can hurt this guy. Why? Because he is TO NICE. And they have never been in a fight with some one is much larger / stronger then them.


So here is the point.
#1:If guys would simply hit a women in the same instant that they would a man.
#2:If a guy would simply say..... I don't know. "Outch! Don't fucking hit me you symphonic Bitch!"
#3: Call the Damn Police and Say. "There is a women hitting a man, please come stop them."

In short if Guy would simple do what they are suppose to and Treat Women like they would men. This would not a issue.

So really... It's men's fault.
So I go with what I was Trained growing up.

And to take It a step farther.
"Be a gentleman... What is a gentleman.... A Gentle Man."

Simple put.
You should for the most part avoid hitting anyone.
And if a man is acting as a gentlemen then he is not going to give you a reason to hit him.
If a women is being a Lady she's not going to give you a reason to have to hit her.

But if a women is doing something that would make you hit a man.... She's not being a lady. And in my book is fair game.

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