Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Lets just agree to agree on at least some things?

OK so I continue to blog... Despite the fact that almost no one reads what I am writing.
But I am cool with that. This blog if for three things.

#1. Practice Writing. I am.. as you might have noticed a horrible speller. But I would like to think I am actually pretty good at Articulating my thoughts both in words both written and spoken.

#2. Because I like doing it. I really enjoy putting my thoughts into text.

#3. And this is the most important one. I REALLY think that not enough people are good at debate. And wile there is... As of yet no one returning my thoughts, I think it helps to practice putting your idles into words.

And on that thought I would like to point out a problem with the world.
People can not disagree with out being disagreeable.

A good example of this is..... Religion. No no. I don't mean agreeing on what religion is right. I mean people can't even disagree with out getting ripe with one another.

So I... Made a list of things I think that people should be able to agree with just to be able to talk.
In short if you can't agree on these things... There is no hope for you and you can not talk to people.... ever again. You need to go live in a cave some were.

#1. Any one can do bad things in the name of ANYTHING.
That is to say that Evil Things can be done in the name of. God. (Any of them)
Nations, Love, Science. Anything. People can and will use anything as justification for there evil deeds. And allot of times people will point to them as a example of why the other side is wrong.

Take.... Hitler... Ya Hitler I have seen both sides. (And by that I mean atheists and theists) Say that it was all the other sides faults.
Blindly Ignoring that Hitler acknowledge god. (The word was even part of the oath you had to take to Hitler) And that he used the idle for is own ends. And thats just it. People are do horrible things are going to do them regardless. And they will use what ever they want to justify there deeds.

Think of it this way.
A: "Kill them all, god will knock his own." Pope Innocent III.
And by the way. He was talking about killing French Cathars. And if you don't know Cathars Are Christians... That's right. First Crusade ever launched. Was launched by the pope against god fearing Christians.

B: Stalin was in fact a Atheist.

The thing is both of them were in fact horrible people apart from being ether pope or a atheist.
#2. The VAST Majority of people in fact. hold there beliefs completely separate to what you think.
Don't know what I mean?
OK follow me on this.
If you hear some one say. "Only the saved go to heaven" Do you think they.
A: Are trying to save your immortal soul. Or. B: Want you to go to hell.

And if you hear some one say "I'm sorry but from what I have seen there is no reason for be to believe in a higher power" Do you Automatically think. "This is just a childish rebellion against god"

Well the thing is. If you agree with that or agree with B.
You need help.

These people believe in what they are saying they are not just being jerks to mess with you.
And the other thing is the other side finds your idles Legitimately offensive. There not just saying that to be rude.
And the thing is that there are good and bad people on both sides. The other side is not out to get you. (for the most part)
I also see allot of people who focus on negative examples of the other side. And point at it to say how stupid the other side is... Now to be fair Atheists do this WAY more. As to Liberals.

But also to be fair The religious crowd and Conservatives do seam to provide more examples. Not that ether group is has more crazy people. It just seams like there crazy people are WAY LOUDER!

Case and point.
Theists and Conservatives.
A: Theists. The westboro baptist church and there leader Phelps. Thats the "God Hates Fags" Group.
B: Jerry Falwell. States that 9-11 was punish for women working and gay people being in America.
C: Glen Beck. Claimed that 10% of all Muslims are terrorists.
Im just going to throw in Rush Limbaugh and Ann Colter.

That all stupid people that can be used as examples on why Religious / Conservative people are nuts.

And on the other side we have.... .Nothing. I can't think of anything.
I actually think that this is why these groups clame there is a media bias going on. Because they need some way to counter the (Often Unfair) Media attention these fringe groups give them.

The point I'm trying to make here is this.

Some one is not a bad person because they don't agree with you.
And you will never Annoy / Berate them out of exsistance.

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