Monday, February 1, 2010

Geography. America, Greatest Country on Earth!

OK so as i stated before.
Every nation to some extent has a little bit of the "Best Nation" Sentiment. But the U.S. China, Japan and Germany are really the kings of this.

Now that being said, if you ask the people in the nations you get different answers.
From my past experience you get this.

China. "China was the most advanced civilization in the world for century's and is still a strong nation" Now to be fair, that's a pretty fair take on history, MOST of the great inventions in history happened in china two to three hundred years before they happened in Europe. Some Happened over a thousand.

Japan. Now before i even start i need to point this out, as nice as the Japanese are, and as much as i like part of there culture, They are as a collective one of the most Xenophobic people out there, and are convinced of there Ethnic Superiority, they even treat other Asian's badly.

Germany. Been over this, if they had anything to be proud about it would be that they are one of the three power houses in the EU. (Screw you Russia) But to be fare, you screw with anyone that long and they get a aptitude.

United States. Now we have the longest list of reasons both stupid and other wise to make this clam. But the thing that gets me is the VAST majority of people who say this have NO CLUE, what the hell there on about.


#1. "The freest nation on the planet" - Well no not really, freedom would imply less interference from the law, or the most personal freedoms. But think about it, The Dutch have us beat there, and on top of that, nations with no government would be higher then us there, in Somalia you can do what ever the hell you want, even kill a man, just make sure you can back it up.

#2. "Most powerful nation on the planet" - Well yes, Military there is basically no = to the U.S. at the moment, unless you put nuke's into the picture, then really its just a draw. People who say "The Chinese are the new super power" are full of it, china has 1.3 billion people that's 4.something time as many as us. You think the U.S Military can take the Chinese Military 4 to 1? Of coarse they can. Russia? I think not. The Russians lost stuff to the Georgian Nation Guard. So not impressed there.

But really is that the source of greatness? No if that were true then The Huns would be up there in history, but really they just broke a bunch of stuff, no lasting influence.

#3. "Richest nation?" - Well only by total doller, many nations have wealthy people, and soon China will make more money over all then the U.S.

#4. "Health care? Schools?" I think not also, over all we are just run of the mill for a wealthy nation. 17th on the world health organizations list of best health care. (Before you look France is #1)

#5. And we really don't take very good care of out people.

Don't get me wrong, I like America it's one of only two or three nations i would even think of living in. But really if your going to clam you are the best, have a good answer to the question "Why?"

My reason, the U.S. is a sensible mix.
I like personal freedom, but it can infact to to far.
I like laws and security but again it can over step it's self.

In short, every nation like every person, has good and bad things about it.

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