Sunday, January 17, 2010

People Are Stupid. (Am i a racist)

OK so before i start i would just like to say that, I think the word Racist is thrown around ALLOT!
Every time a [Insert race here] insults or criticizes a [Insert other race here] person, some one cry's Racism.

And regardless of how true or observant a comment might be, some times it just always seams racist.

Harry Reid, made the comment that Obama was Electable because he didn't seam to have a air of "Angry black man" About him. (he used the word Negro) in the comment. Really this just showed people that he had very little contact with African American's. (Because he used Negro, a out of date, but not out and out racist term)

And people called Racism. But the thing is, most every one agrees he is most likely right, white people would have not voted for a Malcolm X type black man. [I don't vote for people that are angry at other race's regardless of there race]

And to another point, are you racist when you have a opinion of a race, or when you act on it?
And are you racist when you have a opinion based on experiences [regardless of the amount] or when you automatically assume that every one of a race will be like this.

ON my opinion and or experiences.
My first example is Men from Porta Rico.
Now i need to point this out. I mean the MEN, why? Because all my bad experiences with people from Porta Rico, were with the men. The Women seamed pretty normal, And it's important to note that all the Porta Rican Guys i have had bad experiences with were people i worked with or was room mates with wile working at Disney.

Here is the problem i had with them.
I would say hello, or try and help them out. [Just like any other employee] and they would give me addition, and on top of that, i noticed it was just with white guys, they wouldn't give African American guys trouble, and they wouldn't give girls tude.
So i mean maybe they just had bad experiences with white American guys?
That being said, after a wile i almost expected them to be dicks to me.
But that being said, i never treated them badly because of it, or gave them guff about it.

So is it Racist for me to asume that they are going to be dicks? [Most likely yes, yes it is, but just a little] But i feel proud of myself because i never just said, screw it this guy i don't know, and assume is a ass hole isn't worth me showing manners and common cutesy to.

My next group. And the one that i wonder about more often then not are Germans... Now before any one jumps my case a yells something like "HAY MY ANCESTOR ARE GERMANS!" I DON'T CARE! My ancestors on one side are as well.

Here is my point.
The German people as a whole are convinced [much like most Americans] that Germany is the greatest place on earth, and on top of that, they are convinced [Like most retard white supremacists] That The German race is superior to others.

Now i would like to point out that, that's not just me, Academics have studied why this is, even the German government has looked into the idle, and why people believe it.

But the thing is. Just like with white supremacists, there is NO GERMAN RACE!
Germany was inhabited by Gauls, then by a NUMBER of tribes that moved in from outside, then conquered by the French of a couple of hundred years, then in the late 1800's because a nation.

There is no more a German Race then there is a American Race, Both are collections of other races. Which i think there is allot of be proud of, but the German's are just badly behaved about it.

Even FIFA has noted this.
In the last 1990's they put in place the "Geman Rule" This rule states that if your fans are badly behaved at a FIFA [That's Football, the Soccer kind of the US kind] That you can loss a point.
And in Soccer a point is BIG!
They put this rule into place because German Crowds were giving Nazi Salutes at games to intimidate the other team and just to be ass holes.
That and i don't like German food.
And with some exceptions i can't find a whole lot that the Germans should be that proud of, some stuff of coarse, but nothing that impressive.

But to there credit.
I have had some very nice experiences with German people, and some bad one's.
So it's on a much less personal level then my problem with Guys from Porta Rico.

So like i said my opinion is that most people shout racist way to quick.
And it's more important to treat every one with Respect until they proved them self's assholes, then to act on your past experiences.

And in truth nearly all nations have a good amount of "Best nation on earth" but in my experiences, The USA, Germany, Japan and China have REALLY got it going on. Even France can't compete with them/us.

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