Friday, January 8, 2010

Anime Nostalgia (Sailor Moon)

OK so i have TOTALLY run out of New Anime to watch.
So i have decided to go about re-watching from "The Day" So i started by watching the first anime that i watched that i knew was anime.

Sailor Moon.
OK so any one who has seen this show. (In ether English or Japanese)
Would relies that this is like a girlie anime power ranger show.
Most people would call the show a Magical Girl genera. And ya it does draw from it very heavily but at its core it's a Sentai Anime.

So it has the same Monster of the day set up, and episode to episode idle.
So each Episode goes like this.

Part 1. Evil Villein decides to do a bad thing.
Part 2. They make a monster out of ~Pick Random Item Here~
Part 3. The Hero shows up and destroys it with ~Insert Stock Footage here~

But that being said, its a fun show as a kid because you don't pick up on as many of the plot hole's and glaring problems with the idle of the show.
And as a Grown up its almost like watching a episode of MST3K. It so bad its good.

And to it's credit it does have more going for it then other Sentai shows like Power Rangers or Gatchaman (G-Force / Battle of the Planets) for the U.S. Watcher.

The show is actually maid up of 5 "Meta Series"
It's a common practice in Japan to stop making a show for a short time, and or at pivotal points in a short start a "new" show.
You see this in many animes. Dragonball lead into DragonBallZ then DrabonBallGT.
Naruto then lead into Naruto Shippoden.

Sailor Moon is in fact 5 series.
And when you watch it, keep this in mind.
Each Series is made as a complete and separate show.
The Villeins are completely different and only the basic ellements of the story are needed to understand the new Series or "Season"

It does seam to have more story line to it then most other Sentai, that's most likely because it was targeted at girls rather then young boys.

Japanese VS English.

Right so the first season was published in the Canada then the U.S. By DiC
a company that was, at the time owned by Disney. (My Former Employers) So needless to say some stuff needed to be changed to get it to pass standards and practices in the U.S. (At least for the Age Group they were shooting for)

But something went wrong.... horrible wrong. in the first season.
Basically the production team was changed for about every episode wile the English Dubbing was being done.
So none of the writers had the slightest idle what the hell was going on in the show.
As a result the show was inconsistent and some times just didn't make any sense, even in the eyes of a child for me.

But o well it was still popular. (Still one of the most popular in Japan) And holds a soft spot for many.

Over the next couple of Posts ill be covering each Mini-Series / Season, and giving you any nice little information i have.

P.S. on a side note its VERY hard to find Sailor Moon any more.
No one has the U.S. Distribution rights any more, So there are no new DVD or VHS collections for sale in the U.S. Some come over from Canada. But for the most part its impossible to find them on the market and or to find on the Intertubes.

BUT i have done so!

It's a little hard to navigate but its very helpful.

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