Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What i want to do when i grow up. Part:2. (Zombie Hunter)

OK so i went over Hunting Vampires.
Now we are going to go over hunting Zombies. WHY? I mean there are no people that clam to be Zombies. But that being said Zombies SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME! On a scale from 1 to 10, One being the least threatening / frightening, 10 being the most.

(Mind you that we are using "Zombie's" For the Walking undead, I will use the term "The Infected" For 28 day latter zombies)

1 Pizza. (Who doesn't like Pizza?)
2 A Fluffy Kitty.
3 A Sweet little old lady. (She would be lower, but she could have a gun)
4 A Sugar crazed five year old.
5 A Sugar crazed ten year old. (If they were normally sized for there age)
6 A Angry Fat Chick. (We are talking Jabba-da-hut, not just chunky)
7 A mugger.
8 A Republican. (Rightard) and or a Infected Zombie.
9 A Vampire.
10 A Bear!
11 A.K.A. "O MY GOD ITS EATING MY LEGS!" = Zombie!

First off i would like to say this.
The "Infected" Are much less impressive to me then Zombies.
Infected are just diseased angry humans, that can infect others. So basiclly contagious methheads. (A.K.A. New Yorkers)

Zombies are the walking undead! They don't need sleep, food, entertainment, shooting them can be largely fruitless, and there will be ALLOT of them.


#1. how to tell if some one is a zombie.
Part 1; The Infected.
If a person comes running at you screaming... Take them down. Regardless if they are a zombie or not, if you see some one eating another person or beating another person to.... you know what I'm skipping this Infected part. If you see some one being a general monster. TAKE THEM OUT!
Part 2; The Walking Undead.
If you see some one walking forward saying... BRAINS!
If you see some one eating some one else.
If you see a huge crowd of shuffling, groaning violent people take them down! (They might be emo, but no harm to fowl!)

#2. You can't be a zombie hunter if!
You can't walk faster then a shuffle.
Your a slut. (Rule from Vampire Hunting still stands)
You have a weak Stomach.
You can't be a zombie. Even more so then with the vampire.

#3. How to do it. (The Infected)
See the reason i have little respect for "The Infected" is because there just contagious humans.
So basically just shoot them, call the cops, the military, just were a face mask.

#3. How to do it. (The Walking Undead)
Well first off, you don't half to "Kill them" just get away.
A: Take them down: Just shoot for the legs and or upper chest.
B: Take them out: Aim for the head, or neck a decapitated zombie is not much of a threat.

The tools.
Long Range:
Hunting Rifles. (Great if your a OK shot, and really not hard targets.
Machine Guns. (Great for crowd control)
Mines. (Don't even half to be there for them to work, but there a little indiscriminate)
Explosive Traps. (Same as above, but easier to make!)

Medium Range.
Any Rifle. (I suggest leaver action for better reliability, and for the fun noise they make!)
Assault Rifle. (Kind of Ammunition ineffective)
Shot guns! (Loaded with Slugs, and a scope)
Bow/Crossbows. (Always fun, and much quieter)

Short Range.
Assault Rifle. (Much better at this range)
SMG. (One of the best in close weapons)
Pistol. (Just like SMG just a little smaller and less fire power)
Shotgun. (The best enclose weapon ever!)

To Close!
Pistol. (See Above)
Shotgun. (See Above)
Blunt weapons. (Something big enough to crush a skull)
Cutting Weapons. (Something big enough to take off a head or arm, i vote for Machete!)
Hacking/Puncturing Weapons. (A pick axe or axe is a bad chose to much recoil and they might get stuck)

Just for fun!
A CAR! I mean why the hell not! Or if you can get some, heavy construction equipment! Steamroller + Zombies = PARTY!

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