Thursday, February 11, 2010

"I have a gay friend"

OK so the title of this post is "I have a gay friend" Why Because i have heard that phrase to much.
99.99 repeating % of the time, when you hear this it is following a REALLY stupid comment like. "I don't dislike gay people, I just don't want them around me (And or my Child)"

Now first of all, if this is your case, YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH GAY PEOPLE. You ether think a gay person around your kids will A: make them gay, and you think this is bad. Or B: They will do Something to your child, so you basically think, gay men are all (Or More Likely to be) pedophiles.

Now most people who say. "I have a gay friend" Do know and interact with a Homosexual person.
But the VAST majority do not have gay friends, they work with a gay person, or have a friend who has a gay friend. But under most circumstances they would not spend time with the person outside of these environments.
Here is my General Rule of Friend.
A: A person you work with is a Colleague.
B: A person you might spend time with at a social event is a Acquaintance.
C: A person you would let sleep on your couch, and you would sleep on there couch is a friend.
Why the couch rule?
Simple, if you don't trust them enough to sleep on there couch, they are not your friends.

Now that's not to say that people should be this trusting, i know Allot of girls who have "Male friends" Whose couch they would not sleep on. Nor should they.

Now the next reason i bring this up is to rant about a pet peeve of mine.
And that's Flaming men.

Now before you call me a homophobe i would like to point out i did not say Flamingly Gay men.
I dislike Flamingly gay and strait men about as much as one another, maybe flamingly strait men a little more.

Now before you ask "What is a flamingly strait man?" I will tell you.
You see a Flamingly Gay man is a man who acts in a way that Forces you to know that he in attracted to men. NO ONE TALKS LIKE THAT! And theirs is no reasonable way for a man to act like that, Why? Because I DON'T CARE IF YOU LIKE MAN, WOMEN or CARROTS.

Flamingly Strait men are men who act in a way that lets you know that not only do they like Women, but that they are TOUGH MOTHER FUCKERS!
Again i don't care if you like women, and no matter how tough you are a lead pipe to the head will still shut you up.

Now that I'm done with that, i would like to insert what i consider the true test of a persons homophobe level. And i would like to point out that even if your not totally OK with gay people, its Natural to be a little apprehensive if that's the way you feel.

So here is the test. Put yourself in this train of thought.
(Using my own experience as a set up here)
Your sitting at a club in Orlando FL, the club is by all means not a gay and or a strait bar, its just a club.
A guy comes up to you and asks. [In a nice respectful tone] "May i buy you a drink?"

OK so you do one of the following.

A: Say "I'm flattered but no thanks, I'm afraid I'm not really into guys" This is the one i took. Now some people have asked me. "Why would you apologize and explain yourself?" The simple answer is, to be nice, if a woman had asked me the same thing, and i had said no, i would have apologized, told her i was flattered and explained why as well.
And on top of that, its just nice, The guy was very polite and didn't make a big deal out of it, by explaining why i let him know that it wasn't anything wrong with him, just a difference of interests.

B: Say. "No Thanks" Again nothing wrong with this, its polite and end the encounter quickly, most guys who are a little uncomfortable around gay guys pick this one.

C: Make a big deal about it. Most guys who take this direction are in fact trying to embarrassed the guy who just asked them. Ether to deflect there own embarrassment, or just to be a ass hole.
But the thing is, if the guy feels comfortable enough to ask you, then you are most likely in a place were no one is going to care, and you are the one who is going to look like a ass.

D: Act like a Total Ass, making a big deal out of it and acting in a socially unexceptable manner.
This is what happens when a flamingly strait man is asked the question, he can not except that this gay guy can't tell me is strait by looking at him.
This is a good way to get throw out of a club, or into jail.

If you answered A or B, your cool. C your a dick, D... Stay in side for the rest of your life. I don't want to have to use a lead pipe on you.

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