Sunday, January 17, 2010

People Are Stupid. (Am i a racist)

OK so before i start i would just like to say that, I think the word Racist is thrown around ALLOT!
Every time a [Insert race here] insults or criticizes a [Insert other race here] person, some one cry's Racism.

And regardless of how true or observant a comment might be, some times it just always seams racist.

Harry Reid, made the comment that Obama was Electable because he didn't seam to have a air of "Angry black man" About him. (he used the word Negro) in the comment. Really this just showed people that he had very little contact with African American's. (Because he used Negro, a out of date, but not out and out racist term)

And people called Racism. But the thing is, most every one agrees he is most likely right, white people would have not voted for a Malcolm X type black man. [I don't vote for people that are angry at other race's regardless of there race]

And to another point, are you racist when you have a opinion of a race, or when you act on it?
And are you racist when you have a opinion based on experiences [regardless of the amount] or when you automatically assume that every one of a race will be like this.

ON my opinion and or experiences.
My first example is Men from Porta Rico.
Now i need to point this out. I mean the MEN, why? Because all my bad experiences with people from Porta Rico, were with the men. The Women seamed pretty normal, And it's important to note that all the Porta Rican Guys i have had bad experiences with were people i worked with or was room mates with wile working at Disney.

Here is the problem i had with them.
I would say hello, or try and help them out. [Just like any other employee] and they would give me addition, and on top of that, i noticed it was just with white guys, they wouldn't give African American guys trouble, and they wouldn't give girls tude.
So i mean maybe they just had bad experiences with white American guys?
That being said, after a wile i almost expected them to be dicks to me.
But that being said, i never treated them badly because of it, or gave them guff about it.

So is it Racist for me to asume that they are going to be dicks? [Most likely yes, yes it is, but just a little] But i feel proud of myself because i never just said, screw it this guy i don't know, and assume is a ass hole isn't worth me showing manners and common cutesy to.

My next group. And the one that i wonder about more often then not are Germans... Now before any one jumps my case a yells something like "HAY MY ANCESTOR ARE GERMANS!" I DON'T CARE! My ancestors on one side are as well.

Here is my point.
The German people as a whole are convinced [much like most Americans] that Germany is the greatest place on earth, and on top of that, they are convinced [Like most retard white supremacists] That The German race is superior to others.

Now i would like to point out that, that's not just me, Academics have studied why this is, even the German government has looked into the idle, and why people believe it.

But the thing is. Just like with white supremacists, there is NO GERMAN RACE!
Germany was inhabited by Gauls, then by a NUMBER of tribes that moved in from outside, then conquered by the French of a couple of hundred years, then in the late 1800's because a nation.

There is no more a German Race then there is a American Race, Both are collections of other races. Which i think there is allot of be proud of, but the German's are just badly behaved about it.

Even FIFA has noted this.
In the last 1990's they put in place the "Geman Rule" This rule states that if your fans are badly behaved at a FIFA [That's Football, the Soccer kind of the US kind] That you can loss a point.
And in Soccer a point is BIG!
They put this rule into place because German Crowds were giving Nazi Salutes at games to intimidate the other team and just to be ass holes.
That and i don't like German food.
And with some exceptions i can't find a whole lot that the Germans should be that proud of, some stuff of coarse, but nothing that impressive.

But to there credit.
I have had some very nice experiences with German people, and some bad one's.
So it's on a much less personal level then my problem with Guys from Porta Rico.

So like i said my opinion is that most people shout racist way to quick.
And it's more important to treat every one with Respect until they proved them self's assholes, then to act on your past experiences.

And in truth nearly all nations have a good amount of "Best nation on earth" but in my experiences, The USA, Germany, Japan and China have REALLY got it going on. Even France can't compete with them/us.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Anime Nostalgia (Sailor Moon)

OK so i have TOTALLY run out of New Anime to watch.
So i have decided to go about re-watching from "The Day" So i started by watching the first anime that i watched that i knew was anime.

Sailor Moon.
OK so any one who has seen this show. (In ether English or Japanese)
Would relies that this is like a girlie anime power ranger show.
Most people would call the show a Magical Girl genera. And ya it does draw from it very heavily but at its core it's a Sentai Anime.

So it has the same Monster of the day set up, and episode to episode idle.
So each Episode goes like this.

Part 1. Evil Villein decides to do a bad thing.
Part 2. They make a monster out of ~Pick Random Item Here~
Part 3. The Hero shows up and destroys it with ~Insert Stock Footage here~

But that being said, its a fun show as a kid because you don't pick up on as many of the plot hole's and glaring problems with the idle of the show.
And as a Grown up its almost like watching a episode of MST3K. It so bad its good.

And to it's credit it does have more going for it then other Sentai shows like Power Rangers or Gatchaman (G-Force / Battle of the Planets) for the U.S. Watcher.

The show is actually maid up of 5 "Meta Series"
It's a common practice in Japan to stop making a show for a short time, and or at pivotal points in a short start a "new" show.
You see this in many animes. Dragonball lead into DragonBallZ then DrabonBallGT.
Naruto then lead into Naruto Shippoden.

Sailor Moon is in fact 5 series.
And when you watch it, keep this in mind.
Each Series is made as a complete and separate show.
The Villeins are completely different and only the basic ellements of the story are needed to understand the new Series or "Season"

It does seam to have more story line to it then most other Sentai, that's most likely because it was targeted at girls rather then young boys.

Japanese VS English.

Right so the first season was published in the Canada then the U.S. By DiC
a company that was, at the time owned by Disney. (My Former Employers) So needless to say some stuff needed to be changed to get it to pass standards and practices in the U.S. (At least for the Age Group they were shooting for)

But something went wrong.... horrible wrong. in the first season.
Basically the production team was changed for about every episode wile the English Dubbing was being done.
So none of the writers had the slightest idle what the hell was going on in the show.
As a result the show was inconsistent and some times just didn't make any sense, even in the eyes of a child for me.

But o well it was still popular. (Still one of the most popular in Japan) And holds a soft spot for many.

Over the next couple of Posts ill be covering each Mini-Series / Season, and giving you any nice little information i have.

P.S. on a side note its VERY hard to find Sailor Moon any more.
No one has the U.S. Distribution rights any more, So there are no new DVD or VHS collections for sale in the U.S. Some come over from Canada. But for the most part its impossible to find them on the market and or to find on the Intertubes.

BUT i have done so!

It's a little hard to navigate but its very helpful.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

What i want to do when i grow up. Part:3. (A.K.A. Your Zombie Plan!)

SO what is your zombie plan!?!?!?
What you don't have one! It's almost 2012! And unless you by that crapshoot movie then i bet on the end coming at the hands (And jaws) of the walking undead or infected, depending on who is Directing this universe.

Why? Well think about it, its a better explanation then MOST end of the world movies!

2012: (Will most likely not cover the 200 Million Dollar's is cost to make)
Soler flares heat the earth's core and cause.... wait what? Wouldn't solar flares that strong hitting earth kill everything on the planet before heating the core? And who builds Survival Ships in the Himalaya's?

The Core: (Cost 60 Million, Made 73 Million World Wide)
Earth core spots spinning and sets in motion..... Wait. Again? Really? Unless Gravity STOPS in the universe, the earth's core will keep spinning, just like the rest of the planet.

Volcano: (Cost 90 Million, Made 112 Million World Wide)
A Volcano pop's up in L.A. OK not AS dumb. Until you notice that the San Andreas Fault is not the right kind of fault to make Volcano's just earth quakes That's why California has only the Long Valley Caldera.

So any ways, Zombies are Just as likely as most disaster movies. and MUCH funner!

So most people that have zombie plans. Have bad zombie plans.
Bad idle #1. Corps Icicles.
The idle that zombies will freeze solid in cold weather is a sound one. But try driving there wile the zombies are lose. And even in most parts of Alaska, its not freezing YEAR ROUND! So unless you live there already this is a bad plan.

Bad idle #2. The Fortress.
Build a Fortress and wait of help. Not a totally bad idle, but if you don't build it ahead of time it's going to be lack luster and iffy, and even if you do, who is to say help will come? Or that the military wont start level bombing the zombies around you. And your going to run out of food and ammunition sooner or later.

Bad idle #3. Feeding the Animals.
Many people run off the idle that "I don't need to be faster then the zombies, just faster then my grandmother" Well ya, so you live near a old folks home, but your going to run out of decoys soon. And now the old people are zombies! And you have a collection of zombies near you that know there is food near you!

Bad idle #4. Food / Gun stores.
EVEY one is going to go there, now you have zombies and armed humans to fight!
And most food stores have big open windows! perfect Zombie Doors.

Good idle #1. No man is a zombie Island!
Have a list (Mental or otherwise) of people you would trust in a zombie apocalypse. Go find them as soon as you know what's going on, hopefully wile cellphones still work. No man survives the Zombie attack alone for long.

Good idle #2.
The Short game. Have some kind of weapon and food on hand.
Have a safe place to stay until you team can get to you.

Good idle #3.
A long game. Have a idle of what your going to be doing.
Going to a army base? A island? A Government Facility?
Pick something and stick to it, if it doesn't work pick something else.

Good idle #4.
The end game. Are you going to help? Going for a long team fortress? Counting on help?

What you need to know.
#1 Were do you live?.
Do you live in a major city? or the sticks? One plan can work in one place and not the other.

#2 What is near you?.
Is there a military base near you? A Government Building? Use what you have.


OK so this plan works in ether A:Manchester Ky. Or B:Richmond Ky.
My go to list. (A.K.A.) "The Team"
My Best Friend Chris.
My Hetero Life Mate "Monkey"
Friend: "P.F." aka David.
Adopted Brother: "Jabes"
My sister / brother in law.
My Mother / Father.
My sisters-friend and her husband.
And all connecting personnel.

That is (If all live throw the first wave of attacks) 20ish people.
I'm betting on maybe 1/2 to 1/4th of that. Because both places are lightly populated.

The goods! aka: Short game.
OK so all of the people above being included, we would have.
2 Handguns.
1 Rifle.
1 Hunting Rifle.
1 Shotgun.
And a Truckload of Melee Weapons. (Thanks monkey)
As well as a man who might be able to decapitate a zombie with his bare hands.
As well as vehicles and food.

The Plan. aka: Long game.
OK so i get my people and my goods. I get into a Vehicular object and i head to Monkey's house.
From there i get his boat and head to the Clay's Ferry area of the Kentucky River.
We Put the boat in and head down stream. This does.
#1. The water is your friend, zombies can't swim and its hard to climb into a boat.
#2. We are no heading along a area were we can take other boat's and supply's.
#3. We are not staying still.
#4. The River might have a better controlled area in it. (Aka the coast guard / military)

The end game. aka: The Republic of Willmoria!
OK so we now head down river, to the Mighty Mississippi River! Then South to the gulf of Mexico! Before we hit the coast we take a fishing boat.

After that we head to the Gulf Coast and find a Offshore Oil Rig.
Once there we set up shop.
The rig will give up, power, heat, power, communications and a safe place to raise food and fish from. (using the nets from the boat)

This is a long term plan. We wait until some one sets up a safe area to move back to.
Maybe communicating with other like minded oil rig dwellers.

What i want to do when i grow up. Part:2. (Zombie Hunter)

OK so i went over Hunting Vampires.
Now we are going to go over hunting Zombies. WHY? I mean there are no people that clam to be Zombies. But that being said Zombies SCARE THE CRAP OUT OF ME! On a scale from 1 to 10, One being the least threatening / frightening, 10 being the most.

(Mind you that we are using "Zombie's" For the Walking undead, I will use the term "The Infected" For 28 day latter zombies)

1 Pizza. (Who doesn't like Pizza?)
2 A Fluffy Kitty.
3 A Sweet little old lady. (She would be lower, but she could have a gun)
4 A Sugar crazed five year old.
5 A Sugar crazed ten year old. (If they were normally sized for there age)
6 A Angry Fat Chick. (We are talking Jabba-da-hut, not just chunky)
7 A mugger.
8 A Republican. (Rightard) and or a Infected Zombie.
9 A Vampire.
10 A Bear!
11 A.K.A. "O MY GOD ITS EATING MY LEGS!" = Zombie!

First off i would like to say this.
The "Infected" Are much less impressive to me then Zombies.
Infected are just diseased angry humans, that can infect others. So basiclly contagious methheads. (A.K.A. New Yorkers)

Zombies are the walking undead! They don't need sleep, food, entertainment, shooting them can be largely fruitless, and there will be ALLOT of them.


#1. how to tell if some one is a zombie.
Part 1; The Infected.
If a person comes running at you screaming... Take them down. Regardless if they are a zombie or not, if you see some one eating another person or beating another person to.... you know what I'm skipping this Infected part. If you see some one being a general monster. TAKE THEM OUT!
Part 2; The Walking Undead.
If you see some one walking forward saying... BRAINS!
If you see some one eating some one else.
If you see a huge crowd of shuffling, groaning violent people take them down! (They might be emo, but no harm to fowl!)

#2. You can't be a zombie hunter if!
You can't walk faster then a shuffle.
Your a slut. (Rule from Vampire Hunting still stands)
You have a weak Stomach.
You can't be a zombie. Even more so then with the vampire.

#3. How to do it. (The Infected)
See the reason i have little respect for "The Infected" is because there just contagious humans.
So basically just shoot them, call the cops, the military, just were a face mask.

#3. How to do it. (The Walking Undead)
Well first off, you don't half to "Kill them" just get away.
A: Take them down: Just shoot for the legs and or upper chest.
B: Take them out: Aim for the head, or neck a decapitated zombie is not much of a threat.

The tools.
Long Range:
Hunting Rifles. (Great if your a OK shot, and really not hard targets.
Machine Guns. (Great for crowd control)
Mines. (Don't even half to be there for them to work, but there a little indiscriminate)
Explosive Traps. (Same as above, but easier to make!)

Medium Range.
Any Rifle. (I suggest leaver action for better reliability, and for the fun noise they make!)
Assault Rifle. (Kind of Ammunition ineffective)
Shot guns! (Loaded with Slugs, and a scope)
Bow/Crossbows. (Always fun, and much quieter)

Short Range.
Assault Rifle. (Much better at this range)
SMG. (One of the best in close weapons)
Pistol. (Just like SMG just a little smaller and less fire power)
Shotgun. (The best enclose weapon ever!)

To Close!
Pistol. (See Above)
Shotgun. (See Above)
Blunt weapons. (Something big enough to crush a skull)
Cutting Weapons. (Something big enough to take off a head or arm, i vote for Machete!)
Hacking/Puncturing Weapons. (A pick axe or axe is a bad chose to much recoil and they might get stuck)

Just for fun!
A CAR! I mean why the hell not! Or if you can get some, heavy construction equipment! Steamroller + Zombies = PARTY!

Friday, January 1, 2010

What i want to do when i grow up. Part:1. (Vampire hunter)

OK so this is about one of the jobs i would love to have when i grow up. (I'm 26 so i don't really know when that will be)

So what do i want to be when i grow up?
A Vampire Hunter.... No really.

Think I'm crazy?
Well think about this. There are people in the world who contest. (Ether because there crazy or pretentious Emo Assholes) That they are in fact. Real Vampires. Don't believe me? Look it up on the internet. There are Vampire Support Groups.

So this is my stance.
They contest that they are Creatures that live off of Human blood.
I think that warrants some kind of Criminal Act.
So why shouldn't i get payed to hunt them?
And i think i should get Government Money to do so.
Because There are government Support groups for Vampires. (That is support groups trying to convince stupid/crazy 16 year old's that they are not, in fact the walking undead)

So from looking on the internet / "other" Places. This is a quick guide to Hunting Vampires.

#1. How to tell if some one is a vampire.
A: OK so if some one tells you "I'm a vampire" BAM! That's it, take them down. Right there, Self Defense, I mean after all if some one said, Ya i am going to stab you in the neck. Then your totally defending yourself.
B: A Mirror. OK so in old times, they thought that Mirrors Reflected your soul, So Vampires not having souls, didn't have reflection, but Ann Colter Has a reflection, so i don't buy this.
C: Animals don't like Vampires / Vampires Stink. OK so Animals can sense evil? I think not. But it is true that most Emo's / Goth's / Basement Dwelers have bad Hygiene.

#2. You can't be a vampire hunter if you are ANY of the following.
A: A Hemophiliac/Hemophobic. You can be bleeding and or Fainting when ever you see blood.

B: A Slut... Leftard. No really. First off Vampires seam to seduce people allot. And have you every watched a Horror Film? The Slut always dies, and the pristine pure chick lives.

C: Weak Willed; Rightard. OK So a little explanation here. You would think that people who were afraid of anything different would be GREAT vampire hunters. But you see vampire's can Hypnotize you. And week willed people are easy to control, So no Rightards.

D: A Vampire. OK So just putting this out there. Unless your Wesley Snipes, You can't be a self hating Vampire.

#3. How to kill a vampire. (Tools of the job)
A: A stake. Most people say a oak stake. But in old times Rosewood and Hawthorn were what you used. (Don't know why) I contest ANY Sharp stabbing tool should do the trick. But sense getting stabbed in the heart will kill any one this is a little divisive.

B: Crucifix. OK so this is iffy, you see the idle here is that a vampire, being wicked in the eye's of god can not stand the sight of our lord and savior Jesus Christ. The problem here is. (1;What if they are Protestant? They don't put Jesus on the cross?, 2;What if they are not of a Judao-Christian faith?) I think it's safer to bring things you KNOW that the people claiming to be Vampires can't stand to look at. I would suggest a job application.

C: Holy Water. OK again we run into the trouble of "What if there not Christian?" I suggest just throwing bleach into there face.

D: Garlic. OK so this is suppose to overpower the smell of death. I think its a good idle just to overpower the smell of pore hygiene.

E: Mustard Seeds / Marbles. Throw them on the ground, the vampire will stop and count them. If Sesame Street Taught me anything its that All Vampires are O.C.D.

F: Weapons that can kill anyone, but people seam to like to use on Vampires.
An Axe or Sword. (To cut there heads off)
Fire. (Keep it in your pocket, the wont see that Coming)
A Gun. (Let's face it there are very few problems in life that a shotgun can not fix)

G: Backup. Some one to help you out. I would suggest Wesley Snipes or Buffy. But that dose break the No Vampires and No Slut's rule.

Also make a not to always hunt the opposite sex from your interest.
That is. If your a strait male. Hunt Male Vampires.
If your a Homosexual Male. Hunt Female Vampires.
If your a Strait Female. Hunt Female Vampires.
If your a Homosexual Female. Hunt Male Vampires.
If your a strait female feminazi. Hunt Male Vampires.

Well that's it with my guide you will be hunting vampires / In jail for mass murder in no time.

[Do not try this: Every, in fact to do anything i tell you; I'm bad for you.]